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Question: Do I paid extra for working on a holiday?
Employees often wonder if they work on the holidays in order should receive additional pay for working on a holiday, and if they do not work, how many hours they right?
Answer: When it comes to questions about the fact that she comes to work on holidays and holiday pay, there is an answer that covers all employees. Some employees will get the game out of work, while others will have to work, and some of those who work are paid for work on public holidays, in addition, and not others.
The work on a holiday
If you need to work on a public holiday, depends on which you are working, if you are covered by a collective agreement, company policy and on holidays.
If you work for the federal government, 10 days per year of paid leave, including New Year's Day, the anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr., Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day (July 4 you), Labor Day, Columbus, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Many private employers follow the same holiday schedule and also holidays or holiday pay for working on a holiday.
In addition, companies are not obliged to give a vacation away from work. Many employers, especially in the retail and hospitality are open as usual on holidays and business. Workers have to work holidays and are usually paid their normal wage.
Holiday pay
Holiday pay is compensation for holidays such as Thanksgiving, or other time not worked (eg holiday), if a company is closed or the employee is entitled to take time off work.
If a company provides paid time off, the employee will be paid, even if it does not work on the holiday.
Employers are not obliged to extra (and a half hours or two times, for example) to be paid to work on a holiday if you have a contract that says, you pay extra for working on a holiday to earn.
Wages and salaries are regulated by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and do not require payment for time not worked, such as vacations or holidays. These services are typically an agreement between the employer and the employee or employee representative ie a union or other collective bargaining agents.
Timing holiday
As to whether in compliance with the holidays at work, if a holiday falls on a weekend, the holiday is usually observed on Monday if the holiday falls on Sunday and usually observed Friday if the holiday falls on a Saturday.
Working holiday
Companies often publish a list of the observed at the beginning of each year days. Check with your department or Human Resources Manager for a calendar of upcoming holidays for the current year and future years.
Questions about your schedule or payment
If you have questions ask about your work schedule or on vacation, or to stay out of work, ask your supervisor or the Human Resources Department as soon as possible. The more you give a message to your employer more flexibility, they will try to accommodate your request.
Articles and tips related
Holiday pay
Holiday pay is compensation for holidays such as 4th of July or any other time will not work if a company is closed or the employee is entitled to take time off work.
List of the Bundestag
List of holidays observed by the federal government found.
Information on holiday, including holiday pay, vacation time away from work, vacation schedules and holiday plans.
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