Copyright Jaspar Cole / Getty Images
Let's face it: most of us, finding a job is a means to an end. Rarely someone who claims the process itself (and if it works, it is usually these wild extroverts are at all rare specimens of humanity) to enjoy.
Thus, the job search like dating - something that you need to do to achieve your goal to achieve is a dream job or relationship, and not necessarily something you do for fun.
That's pretty good. In fact, given the many possibilities that these processes does not seem so funny, you can ways to experience that part of the dream work much earlier can maximize.
This is how the job Dating are essentially the same:
1. The rejection, rejection, rejection.
Why do most people hate the job search? Since the process involves both hear the words. "Thanks, but no thanks" ... or worse, sitting on the proverbial phone and receive no return is fairly easy to liquidate, feel like a wallflower, the demand on the ball, if you and for work for some time Understatement searched.
2. You can not hurry love. No, only you have to wait.
How long does it take to get a job? The answer is of course different, but said the formula for each $ 10,000 of salary, expect a month of job search spend. In any case, even if the economy is red, you probably will not find the job of your dreams at once.
As in dating, ready to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your prince or princess.
3. Relationships of all kinds are more than one person.
You can be a Pilates swimsuit model with an MBA and a teaching manual concert - after all, less than great you are as a candidate or partner, and the relationship in the form of, is that you look at it this way: If you are vegetarian, is. the best person and the hilarious world not a good fit, if he or she is also a professional butcher; If you are an introvert, commitment and expertise they do not make you happy in an open office filled with chatty Cathy.
4. That is, you know.
Even in the age of the scale and, the chances are you know that many couples have met through mutual friends. The reasons are quite clear: it is easier to feel good - with a stranger, which was reviewed by trusted individuals - and safe.
For similar reasons, at least 60 percent of job seekers find work through networking. Who better to tell you what it really, with a company that has worked hard someone working in the trenches? And who better to recommend that someone who works with you, or attended the same school or the same certificates obtained or learn the same skills?
Finally, the recession may be over, but companies are still moving slowly, when it comes to petrol stations and the signing of the new employees. Anything you can do to overcome the arrest of a hiring manager, is helpful, and there is nothing more convincing than a recommendation from someone that he or she is already familiar.
5. Resilience is more important than any other quality.
Think you know the happiest people, the more successful you will be. What they have in common? At work and in their personal lives, they bounce.
When it comes to the from or build your career, is the most important thing you can be elastic. Being able to stand up when life keep losing opportunities. In addition, robust beams human confidence, strength and happiness - attractive features for hiring managers and everyone.
Finally, to regroup, to analyze the possibilities of change, and the switch, you can be better in one's own side, as a good friend or partner or colleague. In love or career, there is nothing more important than that.
Read more: How to make your matching skills for a job | How to make a game with an employer
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