Plan carefully before asking for a raise to increase your chances of success. Copyright: Ariel Skelley / Blend Images / Getty Images
Although sometimes the reply to a request for a raise is a "Yes" or "No", regardless of how the question is interpreted, the right preparation before you can its proposal increase your chances of success. If you intend for a raise or services ensure that you take the time to take care of before you plan properly.
Top 10 do's and don'ts to ask for a raise
Here is a list of top-10's and don'ts when it comes to ask is for an increase.
He asked for a big success. Then just a deal or landing achieved a big sale? It's a good time to ask for a raise. Based found on the momentum of his success, and yourself in an ideal position to ask for a raise.
Write, and repeat the agenda. They do not go into his meeting empty-handed, without prepared. Make a list of the specific reasons why a raise he deserves, they write, and repeat it to a safe and compelling delivery. In addition to the list of your services, you can also talk about a recent expansion in responsibilities at work, the additional tasks that you have taken, new strategies have been adopted, the projects carried out, and all the plans you further increase the success of your department , You can also type and a copy for your boss, so he or she looks and to discuss with other supervisors, if necessary can.
The time of his application accordingly. Familiar with the revision policy of your company.
¿Performance reviews take place every three months? Every six months? Each Year? Discreetly discuss with colleagues, or contact your human resources department to get an idea of the timeline. If possible, you should also try to align their applications with the financial history of the company. Comes perhaps when applying for new funding, when the New Year begins, or if you think that your employer could easily be considered a raise.
Dress the part. Even if your office dress code tends to be lax when it comes to a meeting, you should look the part. Take to bind these few minutes, iron blouse or dress shoes throw your closet. Although you do not want to look like you're trying too hard, can be polished and professional look not hurt, and help you get more confidence as you feel to make your case.
Have other options in the background. No one wants to hear an answer, "No", but a rejection can the opportunity to make another suggestion. Do you want to know about the work from home one day a week more? Need a new phone or a laptop for their work? Is there an event or an industry conference you want to attend? Your boss may be more likely to be a major who says no to say "yes" to low demand.
Email Do not ask. While it is acceptable to plan a meeting by email, you should definitely have the call for an increase in the person. It is the best way to show that you are serious, and will also allow you to measure the reaction of his boss at your request. Just send an e-mail to your boss, or ask in person, if he or she could be a free time block to discuss about your salary. You can even see if he or she stands for a working lunch, which can have a good option to a meeting.
A high moment of stress Do not ask. Use common sense when approaching your manager about the possibility of a raise. If your boss is particularly stressed and overworked, probably not to tackle this problem the best time. If you can, wait you and ask for a break, or at least when you see that your employer is in a good mood.
Do not give an ultimatum, if you're willing to lose the job. Be careful how you approach it. You do not look too hard or challenging. Of course, self-confident and assertive in the application, but be aware of your tone and focus on patience, professional and understanding. Pay attention to how to negotiate. You probably want to avoid framing it in a way that is similar to an application - "I owe this increase - or" - you should try to keep a good relationship with your boss, even if he or she says no.
Uses the information not as a reason why you get on wages colleagues a raise. Avoid office gossip for discussion. Even if you are someone who makes more money than you know, and you believe that you are a salary that earn the same - or more - it is advisable to keep such information private conversation. It's just not professional and you never know if what you have heard or heard is true. Instead, focus on your own personal experiences and successes and why you should get from their own merits, not on what are based to pay people.
Do not give too much personal information. Ideally, you should try to make its proposal a deserved in a way that focuses instead due to an increase, why you need. Unless you have an unusually intimate relationship with your supervisor, it's a good idea to avoid personal reasons - as if your spouse has lost a job, when you send if an investment went wrong another child to school, or - and instead keep focused on what you have done to deserve a raise, instead of why you need one.
Read more: How to ask for a raise | Request Sample Letter Raise | Email Message Sample request an increase | wage bargaining tips
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