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Get more than one job at a time is an exciting prospect when looking for work. However, this scenario can be difficult and stressful for candidates. What to do? What to bring? How can you ensure that you will be the best decision?
First stay calm and realize that this is a good thing. You must make a decision and you compare the situation and work to determine who is best suited.
The facts first
Ideally, everything there is to know about all the ways a comparative analysis of all information, want to learn, for you to. You want to also make sure not to turn off one of the employer or lead them to believe that you have not put a high value on his offer.
It should be treated with care, it is the possibility of an offer of work that is best for you to accept at this stage in his career. Whether you are looking for more money, flexible hours or a different set of tasks that you compare and contrast features, with their decisions to help.
Options for the treatment of multiple job offers
The following strategies will help you to make the most of this situation, challenging and exciting.
1. In order to say enthusiasm expressed "Yes". Every time you an attractive offer, you express your high emotion and gratitude of the offer. To clarify, if the employer needs to know about your decision. Resist the temptation to take on the spot if you have to consider other interesting options.
Example of what to say.?.? "Thanks, I'm very happy to receive your offer, I think this position is a good option for me at this stage of my career, if you will go to my official decision him my need to know full attention and you return for Wednesday. "
2. to get all the information. If you get multiple bids on the same period for the recording, it is your job easy to decide which is the preferred option. Make sure that you. All the necessary information about the two options in order to make a rational choice If not, replace the employer and after being informed of any lingering uncertainties about the performance, promotion, working conditions, job content, monitoring or other questions you may have.
3. Develop a decision matrix. Making a decision matrix to weigh each work item.
- 7-10 List the factors they value most in a job, such as salaries, benefits, stress level, learning potential, opportunities for advancement, flexibility, work / life balance, etc.
- Then have a weight on a scale of 1-10, what the significance of each factor you.
- Finally, a value of 1-10 by the amount of this factor gives each job have signed.
Example: If you assign to move out of 7 and the work represents a potential period of 6 this factor, then have a total weight of 42 ascent a level of importance.
Do the same with all the factors of your decision and compare the total to the work of the competition. Use this information along with your gut or an intuitive feeling, make an informed decision. Remember that your gut can sometimes be the best indicator of whether or not to take a job.
4. Negotiate the time of the decision. A more difficult scenario is when you have an offer from an employer, and believes that other equally or more attractive offers before in another organization be. In these cases, not whether it is convenient to accept the binding offer, you should try to take the time window for the entire decision-making process. One option is to set the deadlines, a reasonable period with the first businessman who made the offer to create. You can for example, the possibility of employees to meet at his level if he can not wish through the selection process it.
However, be careful how you generate a request frame for the enlargement to include questions about their interest to avoid.
Example of what to say, "I am very interested in this job and everything I heard from my background is a great game, I'm a careful man would feel more comfortable if I could, to her colleagues in similar functions (or to speak in the shade. for a day) before the end of my acceptance. "
5. Enter the other offers. Another approach is to work with the employer who made the offer and mention that you can offer another service level. There is a danger in this approach, but if treated with care, most employers are more favorable candidates, when they are in high demand.
Example of what he means.. "I am very happy, that gives me the opportunity to work with your company, I think I make a very strong contribution in this role, and I appreciate the work immensément- other company was I woo, and I think that an offer can be short term pending. While I lean heavily on the position, I would be more comfortable if I could a comparative choice to do. Is there any chance you could give me until next Wednesday to give to end my assumption? "
Be prepared to respond if they refuse your request. You can say that you enjoy the review and back to them on the agreed date answer.
6. Try a second offer. Another possibility, the time window is set to address the employer not yet issued an offer. In this case, you might wonder if you are able to speed up the process, as it has received other offers. Again, you need to carefully word your request.
Example .. what to say, "I have another offer and they need to know my decision on Monday, I prefer to work for your business, but I'm going to leave this for another job and in the end, with nothing it is possible that you ask me to come to a decision before Monday? "
If you use this approach, then you should be ready to respond if they can say no. In this case, you could say he will try to extend the other offer.
What to do if you choose,
Once you have made your decision, check out these tips on what to do next:
Read more: Job Offer Checklist | How to decide if a job is a good fit | How can a start date of a new job negotiate | What should consider before accepting a job offer
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