Saturday, July 25, 2015

Top 10 Do & # 039; s and Don & # 039; ts to ask for a raise

494323011.jpg - Copyright Ariel Skelley / Blend Images / Getty Images

Plan carefully before asking for a raise to increase your chances of success. Copyright: Ariel Skelley / Blend Images / Getty Images

Although sometimes the reply to a request for a raise is a "Yes" or "No", regardless of how the question is interpreted, the right preparation before you can its proposal increase your chances of success. If you intend for a raise or services ensure that you take the time to take care of before you plan properly.

Top 10 do's and don'ts to ask for a raise

Here is a list of top-10's and don'ts when it comes to ask is for an increase.

He asked for a big success. Then just a deal or landing achieved a big sale? It's a good time to ask for a raise. Based found on the momentum of his success, and yourself in an ideal position to ask for a raise.

Write, and repeat the agenda. They do not go into his meeting empty-handed, without prepared. Make a list of the specific reasons why a raise he deserves, they write, and repeat it to a safe and compelling delivery. In addition to the list of your services, you can also talk about a recent expansion in responsibilities at work, the additional tasks that you have taken, new strategies have been adopted, the projects carried out, and all the plans you further increase the success of your department , You can also type and a copy for your boss, so he or she looks and to discuss with other supervisors, if necessary can.

The time of his application accordingly. Familiar with the revision policy of your company.

¿Performance reviews take place every three months? Every six months? Each Year? Discreetly discuss with colleagues, or contact your human resources department to get an idea of the timeline. If possible, you should also try to align their applications with the financial history of the company. Comes perhaps when applying for new funding, when the New Year begins, or if you think that your employer could easily be considered a raise.

Dress the part. Even if your office dress code tends to be lax when it comes to a meeting, you should look the part. Take to bind these few minutes, iron blouse or dress shoes throw your closet. Although you do not want to look like you're trying too hard, can be polished and professional look not hurt, and help you get more confidence as you feel to make your case.

Have other options in the background. No one wants to hear an answer, "No", but a rejection can the opportunity to make another suggestion. Do you want to know about the work from home one day a week more? Need a new phone or a laptop for their work? Is there an event or an industry conference you want to attend? Your boss may be more likely to be a major who says no to say "yes" to low demand.

Email Do not ask. While it is acceptable to plan a meeting by email, you should definitely have the call for an increase in the person. It is the best way to show that you are serious, and will also allow you to measure the reaction of his boss at your request. Just send an e-mail to your boss, or ask in person, if he or she could be a free time block to discuss about your salary. You can even see if he or she stands for a working lunch, which can have a good option to a meeting.

A high moment of stress Do not ask. Use common sense when approaching your manager about the possibility of a raise. If your boss is particularly stressed and overworked, probably not to tackle this problem the best time. If you can, wait you and ask for a break, or at least when you see that your employer is in a good mood.

Do not give an ultimatum, if you're willing to lose the job. Be careful how you approach it. You do not look too hard or challenging. Of course, self-confident and assertive in the application, but be aware of your tone and focus on patience, professional and understanding. Pay attention to how to negotiate. You probably want to avoid framing it in a way that is similar to an application - "I owe this increase - or" - you should try to keep a good relationship with your boss, even if he or she says no.

Uses the information not as a reason why you get on wages colleagues a raise. Avoid office gossip for discussion. Even if you are someone who makes more money than you know, and you believe that you are a salary that earn the same - or more - it is advisable to keep such information private conversation. It's just not professional and you never know if what you have heard or heard is true. Instead, focus on your own personal experiences and successes and why you should get from their own merits, not on what are based to pay people.

Do not give too much personal information. Ideally, you should try to make its proposal a deserved in a way that focuses instead due to an increase, why you need. Unless you have an unusually intimate relationship with your supervisor, it's a good idea to avoid personal reasons - as if your spouse has lost a job, when you send if an investment went wrong another child to school, or - and instead keep focused on what you have done to deserve a raise, instead of why you need one.

Read more: How to ask for a raise | Request Sample Letter Raise | Email Message Sample request an increase | wage bargaining tips

What is the minimum wage in New York?

The current minimum wage in New York is $ 8.75 per hour by 31 December 2014, which is higher than the minimum wage of $ 7.25 per hour.

The planned increases are:

  • $ 9.00 - 31 December 2015

The minimum wage in New York for the fast-food worker

The minimum wage for the following fast-food workers work for a chain of more than 30 institutions were assisted by a committee of state compensation must be approved are recommended.

Minimum wage increases to fast food for the state of New York, with the exception of New York:

  • December 31, 2015 $ 9.75
  • $ 10.75 December 31, 2016
  • $ 11.75 December 31, 2017
  • $ 12.75 December 31, 2018
  • December 31, 2019 $ 13.75
  • December 31, 2020 $ 14.50
  • $ 15.00 July 1, 2021

Meanwhile, wage increases minimum wage fast food in New York outside of New York:

  • $ 10.50 December 31, 2015
  • $ 12.00 December 31, 2016
  • December 31, 2017 $ 13.50
  • $ 15.00 December 31, 2018

New York minimum wage for tipped workers

Employees to receive counseling are paid the minimum wage under a different structure in New York. The minimum wage for workers is tilted currently $ 4.90 per hour for workers in the local hotel, at $ 5 per hour for food service workers $ 5.50 for workers Car wash and $ 5.65 per hour for all other Employees of the function.

The planned increases are:

  • $ 7.50 - DECEMBER 21 205

If counseling is not sufficient to achieve the minimum wage, the employer is obliged to pay the minimum wage for tipped employees that are not currently planned to increase, but will be addressed in the future.

Related Articles: What is the minimum wage? | What is the minimum wage? | Minimum 2015 | The minimum wage for tipped employees

Private websites and the information linked to from this site and opinion and information. While I have made every effort to link accurate and complete information is made, I can not guarantee it is correct. Please seek legal assistance, or state, federal assistance, or state resources to make sure to make your legal interpretation and decisions are correct. This information is not legal advice and is for information only.

Friday, July 24, 2015

High School Resume Example

CV student - Copyright Oneword / iStockPhoto

Copyright Oneword / iStockPhoto

Here you will find an example of a resume for a student in high school.

High School Resume Example

Keith Jones
Home: 555-543-6543 Cell: 456-555-7654
244 Chestnut Street
Southampton, PA 18966


George Washington High School, Southampton, PA May 20XX
Overall grade 3.8; Honor Roll each quarter
Honors: French Honor Society, National Honor Society, National Merit Scholar
Clubs: Political Science, choir, drama, yearbook committee
Athletics: Varsity Soccer Captain, Intramural Volleyball


Deputy Berkshire County Playhouse, Berkshire, PA
Summer 20XX

  • Dates coordinated performance test and for the cast and crew of three productions in the week for a season
  • Created and managed social media accounts for the playhouse to market each show and ongoing activities

Barista and cashier, Joe Cafe, Southampton, PA
Fallen 20XX - present

  • He was selected employee of the month, efficient friendly service
  • Barista promoted to September 20XX

Tutor, tutors students in Washington, Southampton, PA
January 20XX - Present

  • Educates elementary students how to apply mathematical concepts and scientific functions
  • Children coordinated a weekend at the Philadelphia Zoo in every season and has a number of mathematical questions and animal related science and attachments are designed
  • Recommended taught for four years to encourage and assist with studies and adaptation to different grade levels and helps increase your GPA a full letter grade

Volunteer Soup Kitchen, Philadelphia, PA
Fallen 20XX - present

  • Meals served more than 100 people less fortunate every week
  • Created and a brown lunch at collecting donations for people reacted to pack to take home bags of food bags

Campaign volunteers John Smith of the Chamber of Deputies
Summer 20XX

  • More than 1,000 phone calls for residents and businesses made to inform them of Smith positions on matters
  • He helped publish and organization, a day of voter registration George Washington High School for Back to School

Other experience

  • Starring in the Music Man Spring 20XX
  • MVP after leading the football team of the final victory of the State in 20XX autumn season

Read more: examples and models School Curriculum | shows Student / Entry Level Resume and CV | CV the students in the sample | Entry Level Languages | College CV

Here & # 039; It's what happens when you leave your job

Employees in the office - Copyright Thomas Barwick / Stone / Getty Images

Copyright Thomas Barwick / Stone / Getty Images

What will happen after his resignation? Depending on your employer, your job will be terminated immediately and you will be at the door. In other cases, you will remain on board to help with the transition until his departure.

Things can happen once delivered to try his resignation, predict how your employer can react in advance rapidly. Do not give up anger or frustration, without worrying about their next steps.

This is what you say when you leave your job.

The reaction from your employer will be found on a number of factors, including the policy of the company, its perceived value as an employee, and how difficult it will be, and are determined to train your replacement.

Be prepared for the quick forced departure

Make sure that you have everything you need to your workspace and the work teams. Some employers now accompany local employees, especially if they feel that you are not satisfied in every respect.

The safest method is to recover all important documents on your team that are before submitting his resignation personal nature. In addition, aside all samples of their work, which might be useful as part of their professional portfolio or carrying on their role in the future work.

Know your statement If your prompted employers to rethink,

Many employers try to persuade the strongest contributors them to remain with the organization after receiving a letter of resignation. If you resigned, another job are increasing, your employer may require that the salary it would take to keep him in your lap.

When Money Matters
If you go mainly for financial reasons, and prefer to stay with their current employer, a number have to stay in your mind for you. How hard negotiate at this stage will depend on the relative attractiveness of their potential new job compared to your current position. Please note that your employer may decide that you're going anyway, if your expectations are to be in proportion to their wage structure.

If there is no money
When you leave for other reasons, such as job satisfaction, working conditions, relations of subordination or promotional opportunities, you can still get a chance to explore some of the rooms with their employer.

What if they ask you to stay?

It is ready to propose realistic changes that your current work is acceptable or preferred option is to make your new job. Employers have been known to make all kinds of changes to get the performance, including actions, reassignment to other customers and the changes in their missions.

Bring your positive Conclusion Time

Your employer may ask you to document the status of their projects, create an operations manual, or training a colleague to carry out their duties until a replacement hired. They might even ask you to offer to facilitate more attention to the transition.

Cooperate as much as possible and work diligently until the last day to remember a dedicated staff. You never know when you will need their former employer to certify their productivity and entertainment in the future never.

The Interview

Most organizations perform some form of exit interviews with staff to the factors to evaluate his resignation. Examine criticizing your personal opinion if your boss or employer.

In most cases, there is little to gain any from any strong criticism, and you are better to focus on the positive aspects of our jobs and the attraction of new possibilities. Negative comments about supervisors or colleagues can take them back to filter and influence, their reactions to future reference checks.

Completion of the questions during the separation benefits

Meeting with HR and discuss how unused holiday processed. Find out how long it will be covered by the health policies and life insurance through your employer. Make sure you to take all the necessary information to make decisions on pension, profit sharing and 401k plans. Here you will find information on the benefits if you quit your job and if you get your final paycheck.

Finish Relations

Be polite and calm expression of his gratitude to his colleagues behind him. Excessive celebration can be disconcerting. Let stakeholders and customers know how their concerns after your departure will be addressed and I thank them for their support.

Keep to leave a positive tone and is more likely that you will remain as positive colleagues remembered.

Check out these tips on how to say goodbye colleagues so that you can leave with a funny message.

Read more: examples resignation letter | to leave his job on the phone | Email How to Stop

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

What if your boss catches you job search

Business people with a laptop - Copyright Karen Moskowitz / The Image Bank / Getty Images

Copyright Karen Moskowitz / The Image Bank / Getty Images

Thanks! Your boss just discovered that you're interviewing for a new job. What now? It depends on whether. First, it's time for damage control and must act quickly.

What to do next depends on what you are doing when you took, and how he discovered his manager.

What if the boss catches you job search

Maybe you are not actively looking for a job, but was asked to interview.

If so, tell your boss that you love your work, you want to stay, and you are only interested to hear what the company had to say was. Be very clear that you leave no intention in the near future when that to have the case in fact.

If you were thinking about a job change

Did you think about a job change? Janet Scarborough Civitelli, proposes explain your supervisor that your standard operating procedure for career management necessitate a continuous revaluation of their professional short and long term goals.

If you participate in an interview as an opportunity to learn their skills and competitiveness in the labor market and not as a rejection of your current job, your boss, you can (hopefully) less personal.

If you hate your job

Do you hate your job and can not wait to find a new one? Then maybe caught is not a bad thing. It might be a good opportunity to the problems that you have to discuss and maybe even solve.

At least the air is clean and get the problems on the table.

In the worst case, you can output plans for a friendly and maybe even win the support and help from your employer in your job search.

Tell the truth

You regardless of the circumstances - to tell the truth. Especially in a case like this, there is only where not much can be said. Lies always seem to find a way back to haunt you! Be prepared for a certain period, at your home while you and in a normal routine head back.

Do not be surprised if your boss is angry for a while and look at this question, if and when they withdraw and whether to consider replacing. Remember - these are common consequences pursue the job you want to do for the rest of his career.

How not to get caught
If you do not want your current employer know you are job hunting, there are steps that you can to keep your job search confidential.

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How to find a job, including getting started, writing job search correspondence, job, where you work search help and all the resources that you need for a successful job search.

What to do if Don & # 039; Get the increase t ...

Business people in the lobby - Copyright Westend61 / E + / Getty Images

Copyright Westend61 / E + / Getty Images

It's a good idea to ask for a raise after all, if you do not ask, do not usually get. But ask, even if you have a good deal, does not guarantee an increase. If you have already denied a raise, here are some steps to take next.

What to do if you get a raise

Some do not:

Start with what you should do if you wait another offer safe work have on you, it is probably wise to avoid that in a huff.

(In fact, think carefully before he dramatically, even if you a) Have insulting or personal in its reply :. Sometimes managers or companies are under restrictions. Specify objecting to the career decision.

Therefore, they can not change your work habits of daily life in the weeks and months after the raise request rejected. The decision will not affect their professional responsibilities has frustrated. Gossiping with colleagues, slowing the work, or with a bad attitude will not be loved by colleagues or managers, and could jeopardize future applications.

Evaluate your own request

It is not easy to ask for an increase - even if you put in the work of the solid preparation, it is possible that you have planned your inquiry or formulated more effectively. Think about how you have applied, and examine some of the most common reasons why companies increasing demands are denied, many of which are completely independent of its performance.

Use the comments

Handle the feedback you get from your supervisor or the Human Resources Department about the reasons for his request was denied stimulus as a template for your next steps.

If you received useful feedback, make an appointment to meet again. Ask direct questions about the types of benchmarks that must be met for a raise can be obtained. You can also add a calendar, or schedule a follow-up session. Do not conflictively questions: Your goal is to provide practical information about why you have received a raise and where to get improvements necessary.

Consider your target Next

In assessing the feedback you received, consider what further steps it proposes to take. If you believe that you will not get a raise, and they deserve another, searching for a new job could be the next step. Or maybe you want a timetable for when to ask again, set for an increase.

Set Strategies: ask fringe benefits

An increase is not going to get the only way forward in the work. You can also receive a voucher instead of a raise or extra holidays. Or consider the non-financial benefits such as the ability of home 1 day per week work, or refund of classes or work-related training.

How to ask for a raise
Prepare the next time ask for a raise with these helpful tips, including research policy of your company to a meeting, and practice your talking points.

More information on: raises and what not to do to ask for a raise | Email Request Sample a raise | Can the demand for a salary increase to be released? | How many times to ask for a raise?

Sunday, July 19, 2015

15 keywords can make or break your resume

Spelling Scrabble

David Muir / Photographers Choice / Getty Images

You do not have much time to get a good (or bad) impression to do with your resume. According to a CareerBuilder survey, 17% of surveyed hiring managers spend 30 seconds or less back on average criticism. 68% spend less than two minutes. Therefore, almost all the words can you help in your resume or hitting noticed discord.

Include values and for action words

Include words and phrases that exactly what he has done in his previous work to explain.

If possible, use the figures to show how you have added value to the above companies. For example, instead of saying that "to save an added value for the company X money", we can say that "the public relations budget managed $ 500,000, the company saves 10% through effective advertising strategies."

Also love to see recruiters action words in a resume. Action words show certain things that you have done in the past for the employer, and hope to do for your future employer.

Here are the top 15 words to your resume than employers who are of CareerBuilder in the survey:

  1. Achieved 52%
  2. Improvements: 48%
  3. Trained / Mentor 47%
  4. Managed 44%
  5. Created: 43%
  6. Solved: 40%
  7. Volunteer: 35%
  8. Influenced: 29%
  9. Increase / decrease: 28%
  10. Ideas: 27%
  11. Agreed 25%
  12. Launched: 24%
  13. Income / benefits: 23%
  14. Under the budget: 16%
  15. He won 13%

Avoid vague words

Hiring managers are tired of listening to waves cliché words like "team player" and "workers". These words do not accurately show how you add value to your previous job.

Here the 15 worst words while writing the curriculum vitae are to be used, according to the CareerBuilder survey, which sounds a candidate for the position of "Best of Breed", the more like a dog show winner:

  1. BOB: 38%
  2. Hustler: 27%
  3. Think outside the box: 26%
  4. Synergy: 22%
  5. Go to person: 22%
  6. Thought Leadership: 16%
  7. Value: 16%
  8. Delivering Results: 16%
  9. Team player: 15%
  10. Baseline: 14%
  11. Hard Worker: 13%
  12. Strategic thinkers: 12%
  13. Dynamic: 12%
  14. Motivation: 12%
  15. Attention to detail: 11%

Focus on work-related skills

By focusing on the features, performance and achievements to the job for which you apply, be more you get into the situation, your resume a little closer to the employer.

Continue reading: resume action verbs and power words | Resume skills list

Related items: CV Skills Section | soft vs. hard skills | How keywords in your resume to close | Keyword List resumes and cover letters | competencies and skills

10 Reasons Why You & # 039; t get a raise

Meeting business people - Copyright Image Source / Getty Images

Copyright: Image Source / Getty Images

He was denied his request for a raise? There are many reasons why your employer may not be that, because an increase, including concerns about the performance, time and route of administration or the total related financial health of the company. Discover ten of the most common obstacles that prevent you from a raise.

10 reasons why you have not received Levante,

1. Bad Timing: Although not a marriage proposal and asked for a raise is an important issue.

It is the key! Have you applied for an increase in June, when the general policy of the company is to make decisions at the end of the year? I thought you might be asked also the beginning of his term, or make your inquiry shortly after the company had a memory, poor quarterly report or other bad news. This not only matter of time: all bad day, the manager should not affect your raise, a meeting could be scheduled in a stressful day the reason your application was rejected.

Next steps: if increases distributed locations staff or colleagues in general, and the time of the meeting time for low stress of the day and the week. See also: How many times you can ask for a raise?

2. Lack of corporate resources: Sometimes the reason why you do not get a raise is, is not for you at all together. It is quite possible that your company does not flush with money, and just do not have room in the budget that you give a raise.

Next steps: What is the importance of the relaunch of you? And it seems that the company's finances will turn around? The answer to these questions will determine whether they stay or use it as a signal to start a job search.

3. Lack of performance expectations, or simply described the work in your job description? In many jobs, a raise, employees have to go beyond the basic requirements. If your work is competent but not exceptional, this may be the reason why you can not get the increase.

Next steps: to your crib, you talk about what she wants to see you. Think about how to make an ordinary employee in exceptional cases. Keep a list of your most important accomplishments and all the praise it, and mark the next time you ask for a raise.

4. the foundations do not put: On a day of work per day, a trumpet all the talents, even the most mundane? Or vice versa, you are discreet about their triumphs? You have to prove why you deserve an increase in the time of application must be created, but also to lay the foundations in advance. While it's good to be self-promotion, be careful about excessive self-promotion or outshine their counterparts who earn that work against your request.

Next steps: In one-on-one meetings with your manager, and e-mail, mark their achievements. Be careful not too much to draw: he wants neither too small nor too boastful.

5. personal appeal: For most companies, the content is a straight calculation based on reviews, geographical considerations and the capacity of staff. Rent increase, concerns with the family, etc. - If you offer quotes an increase in his personal life factors - The administrator can feel friendly. But that does not mean that you have presented a valid argument for a higher salary. The same logic applies to claims arising from the content of a colleague.

Next steps: Configure your application to increase the value they bring to society - and not detailed its own costs and needs, check the forms that you have to save money or added to the sale of the company.

6. Go Processing: Use non-professional attire, and give the reasoning incoherent, hiking or outside sleeve raises his unimpressive. Even if your company has to look not much of a dress code, it is always important, and to act professionally at the time.

Next steps: themes of the plan and rehearse in advance. Dress to impress: this is a good excuse to leave your interview outfit.

7. You are a difficult employee may sound harsh, but if you have a challenge to work with, presses on the sessions, or frequent complainants are a problem for your manager, who can not be ignored his superiors may deserve increased his salary.

Next Steps: Evaluate your attitude. How you present yourself in meetings and day opportunities around the office? Consider whether their complaints and criticisms to overshadow the good work.

8. Employers feared a wave of applications: Many companies may be afraid to enter increases, as the granting of a request could to lead others.

Next Steps: This puts you in a difficult position. You can mention that you be discreet about your salary increase and also the point that the increase should be judged on its own merits. However, if this is the response you receive, it may be a sign that it begin a good time to look for a job.

. 9 Your treatment is already the industry standard: If you do not research on the typical salary range of position before you have a raise, the managers may from the application, arguing that because of the amount you get it deserves.

Next steps: do salary research on sites like, or See more about how to do research.

10. They did not ask: While it is quite possible that an increase will appear on your pay check before you ask, it will often be the case. If you feel that you deserve a raise, ask.

Next Steps Read about asking for a raise, and schedule some time with your supervisor.

More memories: Lifting Next Steps If your application is rejected | Top asking 10 do's and don'ts for a raise | Letter Sample Request Levante

Friday, July 17, 2015

Top 15 words belong to his (and avoid) ...

Spelling Scrabble

David Muir / Photographers Choice / Getty Images

You do not have much time to get a good (or bad) impression to do with your resume. According to a CareerBuilder survey, 17% of surveyed hiring managers spend 30 seconds or less back on average criticism. 68% spend less than two minutes. Therefore, almost all the words can you help in your resume or hitting noticed discord.

Include values and for action words

Include words and phrases that exactly what he has done in his previous work to explain.

If possible, use the figures to show how you have added value to the above companies. For example, instead of saying that "to save an added value for the company X money", we can say that "the public relations budget managed $ 500,000, the company saves 10% through effective advertising strategies."

Also love to see recruiters action words in a resume. Action words show certain things that you have done in the past for the employer, and hope to do for your future employer.

Here are the top 15 words to your resume than employers who are of CareerBuilder in the survey:

  1. Achieved 52%
  2. Improvements: 48%
  3. Trained / Mentor 47%
  4. Managed 44%
  5. Created: 43%
  6. Solved: 40%
  7. Volunteer: 35%
  8. Influenced: 29%
  9. Increase / decrease: 28%
  10. Ideas: 27%
  11. Agreed 25%
  12. Launched: 24%
  13. Income / benefits: 23%
  14. Under the budget: 16%
  15. He won 13%

Avoid vague words

Hiring managers are tired of listening to waves cliché words like "team player" and "workers". These words do not accurately show how you add value to your previous job.

Here the 15 worst words while writing the curriculum vitae are to be used, according to the CareerBuilder survey, which sounds a candidate for the position of "Best of Breed", the more like a dog show winner:

  1. BOB: 38%
  2. Hustler: 27%
  3. Think outside the box: 26%
  4. Synergy: 22%
  5. Go to person: 22%
  6. Thought Leadership: 16%
  7. Value: 16%
  8. Delivering Results: 16%
  9. Team player: 15%
  10. Baseline: 14%
  11. Hard Worker: 13%
  12. Strategic thinkers: 12%
  13. Dynamic: 12%
  14. Motivation: 12%
  15. Attention to detail: 11%

Focus on work-related skills

By focusing on the features, performance and achievements to the job for which you apply, be more you get into the situation, your resume a little closer to the employer.

Continue reading: resume action verbs and power words | Resume skills list

Related items: CV Skills Section | soft vs. hard skills | How keywords in your resume to close | Keyword List resumes and cover letters | competencies and skills

The best way to explain that you were dismissed

sad businesswoman - Copyright Onoky - Eric Herchaft / Brand X Pictures / Getty Images

Copyright Onoky - Eric Herchaft / Brand X Pictures / Getty Images

How do you explain fired on friends, business contacts, colleagues and potential employers? It is certainly not an easy task. In fact, to questions about the circumstances of the termination can be challenging to answer.

For most of us, the emotions run high in this situation, and it may be a temptation to bring these feelings. However, this momentum be detrimental to sabotage your reputation and your efforts to promote your career.

As they explain fired

When one of his experience being shot, it is important to know whom you are talking. Share your reaction to a small circle of close friends, confidants and advisers can be an important and necessary step to emotionally recover termination.

You should restrict this group, a few people who, unwavering high regard for his skills and confidence essential to keep your sensitive feelings. In reviewing his shot beyond the circle of special people, do your best to carefully evaluate what you have to say about the incident.

For example, when talking to someone who is not considered a close, trusted friend, you must know what role they might play in your job search. JobLeads from the most unexpected places and people come, so if you discuss your recording, frame the situation to carry out the negative perceptions about their ability to further work, or the ability to connect with colleagues to minimize.

The work was not an option

In order to figure out what to say, start by thinking about their completion and determine if it would be good to focus their career, be based on his shot. One of the easiest ways to explain Koch's last work, the ideal choice for their personal interests and abilities is to characterize solution. This statement works best if you have decided to follow a very different role. The key is to keep your current career goals of professional experience that differ failed.

You need to work on their skills

What if you stay on the same career paths? If you were laid off because of the limited staff and has taken steps to improve their skills, then you can a story about how he went to share the weaknesses of their ability. For example, perhaps Excel skills for success in his previous work and a workshop were taken to improve their skills.

The company was not a good fit

Another angle is to explain his resignation due to poor fit with your business. Again, you will play better if you describe a different size employers, industry or organizational culture that will show now.

For example, if you were not well received in a conservative industry such as health and efforts for change, then you could show you a trend in a more entrepreneurial economy and technology. Or maybe felt suffocated or isolated in a large part of society and wanted to move to a smaller home environment. Focus on your strengths, how fit the new type of environment you're looking for, rather than the way that you do not fit in an old paper.

That was not your fault,

In some cases, explained by unavoidable factors such as budget cuts, elimination of product lines or services, mergers or acquisitions dismissal. Even if the dismissal was the result of a situation that you are out of your control willing to transfer the evidence of his personal success on the paper and a clear explanation of why you lost your job.

Do not be negative

Whatever your reasoning, it is perhaps even more important to avoid criticizing past management, supervisors or colleagues. If you speak ill of your situation, it may seem pessimistic with a bad attitude. This may be questions about his ability to develop positive working relationships can lead.

Also, remember that you never know what may return information to your employer. Even if you leave in a bad condition, you do not want to stoke the fire. Of course you can send your disappointment of losing a job, but avoid speaking negatively about the situation. While it is important to be authentic, try to look as neutral and positive as possible.

Keep it short and sweet

Generally, you should try to be as short as possible to explain his shot with employers contacts or network:

  • I do not dwell too much on the negative.
  • Divert attention from the problems of both positive enthusiasm for the new skills they learned from their termination or their new working interests.
  • Practice your delivery in advance of meetings and interviews, so you can tighten their history and stay in the script.

Have a conversation

Although it is easier to send a quick email or a social message, it is best to have a conversation. Either in person or by phone works best - especially if you turn the terms of departure. You should not place anything in writing that you will not be 100% accurate. You also do not want to hard feelings about getting started in this period, which can be tempered after some time passes fired to share.

The management interview questions

Check out these tips for answering questions regarding dismissal interview, so you can make your output as positive as possible.

Suggested reading: 50 to fired FAQ | What to do if You're Fired

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Personal Assistants need skills

- Frédéric Cirou / Getty Images

PDAs require excellent oral and written communication. Frédéric Cirou / Getty Images

Here is a list of skills PDAs resume, cover letter, job applications and interviews. Skills required vary based on job for which you are applying, so that our list of skills of professional skill and type check lists.

Personal Assistant Skills

A - G

  • Bookkeeping
  • Administrative
  • Answering machine
  • Equipment
  • Budget
  • Communication
  • Computer
  • Announcement
  • Correspondence
  • Database management
  • Diplomat
  • Discretion
  • Enamel
  • Career
  • Events
  • Event Planning
  • Deposit
  • Flexibility
  • Visitors welcome

H - M

  • Consultations
  • Method of Implementation
  • Interpersonal
  • Maintaining Programs
  • Meetings
  • Microsoft Office
  • Multitask

N - S

  • Networks
  • Nonverbal Communication
  • Management Office
  • Organization
  • Positive Attitude
  • Presentation preparation
  • Troubleshooting
  • Professional approach
  • Project Management
  • Purchase
  • Information
  • Examination
  • Programming
  • Screening Calls
  • Motivated
  • Sourcing
  • Shopping

T - Z

  • Under Dictation
  • Under Posts
  • Note
  • Team Players
  • Timing
  • Travel Preparations
  • Trip Plans
  • Verbal Communication
  • Word processing system
  • Freelance
  • Written communications

Related Skills: Office Manager | Secretary administrative skills / computer skills | | Customer Service skills | | Executive Assistant Receptionist Abilities

Related Articles: Fixed vs. Soft Skills | How keywords in your resume to close | Keyword List resumes and cover letters | Competencies and Skills | Resume skills lists | Top skills employers are looking for candidates Employment

Check out these jobs in the law Marijuana ...

With the recreational and medical marijuana in many shapes, from pastries to sweets, chocolate tea, a variety of jobs that are being created. Edible heads, for example, are directly responsible for the assets generating income and production. There are a variety of other positions in the food industry, including: work in an assembly line of the labeling and packaging, for example.

A job working with edible marijuana requires experience with food handling and production.

In many cases, it is preferred to use a linked culinary degrees.

Next: # 2: Vape Retailer

Monday, July 13, 2015

List of minimum wages for 2016 and 2017

Business chart - Copyright Nadya Lukic / E + / Getty Images

Copyright Nadya Lukic / E + / Getty Images

The minimum wage is the lowest hourly rate, which can be given to workers. In some countries, the minimum wage of city or county to another varies. For example, the minimum wage for Los Angeles and Chicago are higher than the price per hour in California or Illinois.

In addition, some cities and states minimum wage increases, which will take place during the year planned. In Minnesota, for example, the minimum wage for 2016 was originally set at $ 9.00 for a big business, but expected to increase to $ 9.50 on August 1, 2016.

Minimum wage

The current minimum wage is $ 7.25 per hour, but some states have higher minimum wage rates. If the state minimum wage higher than the Bundesrat, the employee shall be paid the higher amount.

Please note that some employees are exempted from minimum wage provisions, and others may lower than the minimum wage at the rate paid.

Listed minimum rates for 2016 by state

Here you will find a list of the minimum wage for each state in 2016 announced today. The list also includes increases for the coming years. Some states, marked with an asterisk annually adjust their prices based on the cost of living. In these cases, the number is an estimate to the setting.

A - L

Alabama: $ 7.25
Alaska: $ 9.75 *
Arizona: $ 8.05 *
Arkansas: 8,00 $, $ 8.50 on January 1, 2017
California: $ 10.00
- Emeryville: $ 12.25 for small businesses with 55 employees, $ 14.44 Business more than 55 entrepreneurs
- Los Angeles: $ 10.50 effective July 2016 will increase each year until it reaches $ 15 in 2020
- Oakland: $ 12.25
- Richmond: $ 11.52, $ 12.30 in 2017 and $ 13 in 2018 (with exceptions on the grounds that the employer)
- San Diego 10,50 $ 1 $ 11.50 in January 2017
- San Francisco: effective $ 13.00 from $ 14.00 in July 2017 July 2018 $ 15.00
- San Jose: $ 10.30
Colorado: $ 8.23 *
Connecticut: 9,60 $, $ 10.10, January 1, 2017
Delaware: $ 8.25
District of Columbia: $ 10.50, $ 11.50 in 2016
Florida: $ 8.05 *
$ 5.15 (if covered by the Fair Labor Standards - $ 7.25)

H - M

Hawaii: 8,50 $, $ 9.25 in 2017, $ 10.10 in 2018
Idaho: $ 7.25
Illinois: $ 8.25
- Chicago $ 10.50, $ 11.00, in July 2017 $ 12.00 in July 2018 $ 13.00 in July 2019
Indiana: $ 7.25
Iowa: $ 7.25
Kansas: $ 7.25
Kentucky: $ 7.25
Louisville - $ 8.25, $ 9.00 in July 2017
- Workers of the state Kentucky $ 10.10
Louisiana: $ 7.25
Maine: $ 7.50
Maryland: 8,75 $, $ 9.25 in July 2017 $ 10.10 in July 2018
Massachusetts: $ 10.10, $ 11.00 January 1, 2017
Michigan: 8,50 $, $ 8.90 in January 2017 $ 9.25 per hour in January 2018
Minnesota: Large employers are required from August 2016 $ 9.50 for large employers and $ 7.75 for small business owners to pay workers $ 9.00 / hour and $ 7.25 small employers,
Missouri: $ 7.65 *
Mississippi: $ 7.25
Montana: $ 8.05 $ 4.00 * With the exception of companies with annual gross revenues of $ 110,000 or less

N - S

Nebraska: $ 9.00
New Hampshire: $ 7.25
New Jersey: $ 8.38 *
New Mexico: $ 7.50
- Albuquerque: $ 8.75 ($ 7.75 with Benefits)
Nevada: $ 7.25 for employees, the health benefits to qualify, $ 8.25 for employees who do not receive health benefits to receive Reviews you.
New York: $ 9.00
North Dakota: $ 7.25
Ohio: $ 8.10 *
Oklahoma: $ 7.25
Oregon: $ 9.25 *
Pennsylvania: $ 7.25
Puerto Rico: $ 7.25
Rhode Iceland: $ 9.60
South Carolina: $ 7.25
South Dakota: $ 8.50 *

T - Z

Tennessee: $ 7.25
Texas: $ 7.25
Utah: $ 7.25
Vermont: $ 9.60 $ 10: 2017 2018 $ 10.50 *
Virginia: $ 7.25
Washington: $ 9 * 47th
- Seattle: $ 11.00 ($ 15 in 3-7 years, depending on the size of the employer)
West Virginia: $ 8.75
Wisconsin: $ 7.25
Wyoming: $ 7.25

Read more: the federal and state minimum wage | exceptions minimum wage | 2015 minimum wages

Private websites and the information linked to from this site and opinion and information. While I have made every effort to link accurate and complete information is made, I can not guarantee it is correct. Please seek legal assistance, or state, federal assistance, or state resources to make sure to make your legal interpretation and decisions are correct. This information is not legal advice and is for information only.

10 Tricky Interview Questions

The catch: the employer does not want to invest career in recruitment, training and pay an employee who will not remain or change. Although it is common that people less and less time for each job they spend occupying, definitely you do not want more and more to give your employer calls into question its commitment to the role.

Best answer: You do not have to confess that sees itself completely with the same company.

Instead, respond in a way that demonstrates its commitment to growing in your area. Employers want to improve employees who hire motivated and have an internal drive and keep learning. But note that the employer to ask a question about the details, if you some of the main tangible goals you want to achieve, must be continued.

Sample answer: "I see myself working even in this area, but I hope, have progressed to a higher level of responsibility, have more knowledge and my skills to expand expectations and I want to keep learning, continue to improve and hopefully after five. years of my efforts to bring me closer to an expert, what I'm doing. I have said that I committed myself to stay happy and satisfied with my career, so that factors in my five-year plans ".

First: What do you think of your references say about you?

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Word count and to avoid in your resume

Training and employment words - Copyright Ilyast / Vector Digital Vision / Getty Images

Copyright Ilyast / Vector Digital Vision / Getty Images

You do not have much time to get a good (or bad) impression to do with your resume. According to a CareerBuilder survey, 17% of surveyed hiring managers spend 30 seconds or less back on average criticism. 68% spend less than two minutes. Therefore, almost all the words can you help in your resume or hitting noticed discord.

Include values and for action words

Instead of using vague words are words and phrases that exactly what he has done in his previous work to explain.

If possible, use the figures to show how you have added value to the above companies.

For example, instead of saying that "the value of the company to save money," we can say that "the public relations budget managed $ 500,000, the company saves 10% through effective advertising strategies."

Also love to see recruiters action words in a resume. Action words show certain things that you have done in the past for the employer, and hope to do for your future employer.

Here are the top 15 words to include in your resume:

  1. Achieved 52%
  2. Improvements: 48%
  3. Trained / Mentor 47%
  4. Managed 44%
  5. Created: 43%
  6. Solved: 40%
  7. Volunteer: 35%
  8. Influenced: 29%
  9. Increase / decrease: 28%
  10. Ideas: 27%
  11. Agreed 25%
  12. Launched: 24%
  13. Income / benefits: 23%
  14. Under the budget: 16%
  15. He won 13%

Avoid vague words

Hiring managers are tired, vaguely hear,   Cliché words like "team player" and "workers". These words do not accurately show how you add value to your previous job.

Here are the 15 worst words when writing your resume to use, according to employers who CareerBuilder in the survey, with the "Best of Breed", which sounds more like a dog show winner a candidate for employment:

  1. BOB: 38%
  2. Hustler: 27%
  3. Think outside the box: 26%
  4. Synergy: 22%
  5. Go to person: 22%
  6. Thought Leadership: 16%
  7. Value: 16%
  8. Delivering Results: 16%
  9. Team player: 15%
  10. Baseline: 14%
  11. Hard Worker: 13%
  12. Strategic thinkers: 12%
  13. Dynamic: 12%
  14. Motivation: 12%
  15. Attention to detail: 11%

Focus on work-related skills

By focusing on the features, performance and achievements to the work for which you are applying for, are more your resume to get a little closer able. Even a minute or two can help.

Continue reading: resume action verbs and power words | Resume skills list

Related items: CV Skills Section | soft vs. hard skills | How keywords in your resume to close | Keyword List resumes and cover letters | competencies and skills

Administrative Assistant / Office Manager ...

Here you will find an example of a resume for an office manager or administrative assistant.

Administrative Assistant / Office Manager Resume Example

John applicant
123 Main Street
Albany, NY 12345
(111) (111 -1111)


Office manager
Painting of the national societies, New York, NY
June 20XX - Present

  • Keep office library, including cataloging, distribution and record keeping
  • Keep tools inventory and orders for Desktop feature
  • Manage members, including email reminders, member of the list, and records of financial participation
  • Work in the planning and execution of all social events
  • Developed in an improved and simplified page for new users, positive feedback from users surveyed
  • Manage summer interns including interviews, task delegation and Programming

Administrative Assistant
Saratoga Springs City Hall, Saratoga Springs, New York
Can September 20XX 20XX-

  • Assisted hundreds of customers a day via email, telephone and in person; for their customers at the apartment and answer general questions responsible
  • Deposit fact, data management, the creation and editing of short notes
  • He helped with all other office administrative duties

Office Assistant
Secretary, ABC College, Saratoga Springs, New York
Can September 20XX 20XX-

  • All data entered in the register database
  • Appointment and supports students with tuition fees and the search for information
  • Award for outstanding work ethic in April 20XX


Hunter College
May 20XX
Bachelor of Arts in English, department honors
Mention in Business Administration


  • Experience with maintaining office budget
  • The ability to work with multiple operating systems, including Windows, Mac OSX and Linux
  • Experience with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Continue reading: Languages | Top 10 Resume Writing Tips | Race Summary Definition | How to continue writing Summary

Friday, July 10, 2015

Apply 12 Tips to time

Off work - Copyright JPM / Image Source / Getty Images

Copyright JPM / Image Source / Getty Images

What is the best way to ask for time off from work? It can be difficult to ask for time off work, even if you to vacation or other leave. When should you do and what you should inform your manager if you want or need to take a break?

Vacation policies Check your company

Many organizations have a lean staff personnel, which means that all workers lost when they take time off work.

On average, the employees usually with two to four weeks paid leave are made available. It may be - some employers offer unlimited holidays as the benefit of society. It could be less, or you could pay leave no time at all.

Some employers have a system that will be in the holiday evaluated worked at the time. Others offer a number of weeks, which may vary depending on years of service. If you are entitled to paid leave, you may need to, after they authorized at work for a certain period, they wait was to use. For example, some companies offer paid vacation after one year. Others offer free time that you can take right now.

Paid and unpaid leave

Organizations that are not required by law to offer vacation, paid or unpaid, for the employee. They are required by law to time off from work on family vacation offer from. If you're not sure what you have vacation time to arrive, please contact Employee Handbook, a manager or an HR Service.

If your company does not offer holiday pay as a performance, or if you have used all of your paid leave, you can always ask for permission.

If you need more spare time consider whether it. Even if you do, here's how to apply only a job that have started will be able to can get a vacation for a license for a new job.

12 tips apply for a period

How should you manage to get time from work order from? It can be difficult to ensure the license and continue to meet with your supervisor if any worker is for operations.

It can also be difficult if you used their allotted vacation and want to take benefit of more time or working at a job that does not offer a holiday as an employee. Here are some tips on how to plan your requests and ask the right way.

1. Prepare, when asked. Plan your license application if your boss will be more receptive. Avoid stressful times of the day, week or month.

2. Have a good time. Make sure your work is managed under control and also at the time of request. If possible, ask to leave after the successful completion of a project or event.

3. Plan your time in advance. If you have an annual plan can help ensure that you use your time and integrate their holidays in the project planning. If you want to leave at short notice, we invite you to let you tell your boss that you are taking.

4. Use it or lose it. Let your employer that you are using a certain holiday period or lose according to corporate policy can help, need the way for the approval. Employers in most states can have a day on which employees must use vacation or lose resolve. However, they are committed to a good faith effort to respond, to make staff leave requests.

5. Do not be a rush Ask. Imagine the ebb and flow of activity in the Ministry of the date of license applications is considering. Off-peak times when your manager need all hands on deck in order to meet the demand or to comply with a deadline. If the annual report is then on June 1, definitely would not want to take time during the weeks immediately before that time.

6. request Recreation letter. Be sure to apply for your writing, so there is documentation, when the time comes to take downtime. An email with your supervisor should meet with a copy to another person in the organization should be aware of the requirement.

7. You ask do not tell. Let inquiries should only that a request, not demand. Avoid that. Your vacation plans as fait accompli before obtaining approval from their superiors Therefore, do not say "I have the last two weeks of August to spend in Cape Cod. Would it be possible?" Do not say: "I made a trip to Cancun for the last week in June and the need to take a vacation."

8. Help to plan the workflow. To present to handle a plan on how you can make your tasks in their absence. For example you could say, "Steve and Sadie is here he would be gone a week, and agreed to everything coming with my clients could be treated."

9. catch up before leaving. If possible, put a few extra hours, which at the time to ensure that its area of responsibility under control.

10. Tell yourself with where cooperation and discuss how the joint responsibility or overlapping can be treated your work. Meet with colleagues.

11. Inform need anyone to know. Make sure your managers not received complaints, while you are away. Inform key components such as clients and customers to be away and let them know that the service your needs in your absence.

So that relations with colleagues are still positive 12 Fairplay with colleagues. Discuss how to share the times of the most popular vacation time and his boss no complaints will be saved.

Suggested reading: What to do if you are afraid to ask for holidays are | Will I be paid for unused vacation when I leave?

Tips for writing your article in the skills of CV

Copyright Fatmayilmaz / iStockVectors / Getty Images - The words a section written skills resume

Make sure the experience to include them in your resume includes your most important skills. Copyright / Fatmayilmaz iStockVectors / Getty Images

If you are developing your CV, attention to detail always makes the difference. Take the time to write a brief but compelling descriptions, correct your resume for grammatical errors and develop an aesthetic format gives you an advantage over the competition.

One of the areas that you need to focus on your CV is the "skills". His skills section provides skills to the job you are applying together.

His skills section should be "hard skills" like specific, measurable functions, such as mastering a foreign language, writing speed, or knowledge of software and "soft" skills such as flexibility, patience and include time management.

It is important to ensure that their work experience on your resume reflects your skills, and when the time comes for an interview, willing to provide anecdotes, examples and data to support their skills.

Kevin Lamsback, consultant occupation of Microsoft has information about what Microsoft put on the CVs of the candidates for the tests on the search. Kevin Here are some tips:

  • Pay attention to details. "When it comes to Microsoft, welding" Details ", then give me all the juicy details that apply to the function in question."
  • Focus in the last five or seven years of his career. "I personally recommend going into detail for at least the last five to seven years of his career, from there it's sure hit cruise control, but not at the expense of the relevant leave nothing from the recovery. "
  • Save the "Memorandum of Understanding" ambiguous letter "I'd rather use that space for a powerful summary that contains the 8 -. 15 balls, the key attributes of Mark, WINS, skills, certifications or actions that a strong argument for it, why do we should drop everything and call now! "
  • Do not forget the format. "Yes, yes, the content that really matters, it is, but it would be asking too much for the 15 seconds it takes to spend" Select All ", and select the font and size This preference? It is much more common than you might expect, and something that makes many recruiters asking if the attention to detail "needed to succeed in a complex and challenging environment.

Once you have completed your resume, take the extra ten minutes to print it and read it again. It can be difficult to catch a typo when you are looking at a computer screen. If possible, ask someone to take a look, too, as another pair of eyes to be able to detect errors that are missing.

It is much better, in the extra effort to get a piece to provide impeccable life, you realize that an incomplete copy sent to a variety of positions.

I do not know where to start? Check out some examples of resumes and templates to get an idea of how you should look your resume.


Here is an example of a resume skills section is formatted for your resume size to seek.

Samples of opinion CV
Tester resumes so you can incorporate your information in the CV template in the appropriate format.

Microsoft Careers: Website | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Blog

Skills lists: listed in the job professional skills | List of skills resume

Related Articles: Fixed vs. Soft Skills | List of Keywords for Resumes and Letters | | Competencies and Skills | How to close keywords in your resume skills Important employers are looking for candidates

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Best strategy for choosing a job

Woman in a cafe used in a mobile laptop and. - Tim Robberts / Bank / Getty Images

Tim Robberts / The Image Bank / Getty Images

When it comes to the search for employment, time is money. Too many people have lost required too many hours, the hundreds of jobs that are beyond their competence or outside their territory. Others have lost valuable time in wasteful or "work at home" scams.

If you are looking for work, you need to be smart about it. Although most of us have to spend a good amount of time each week in search of a new job, it is important to ensure that you use your time as efficiently as possible.

You need to focus on quality and not quantity: both the quality of the jobs they for the application and the quality of their application. Here are some questions to ask yourself to ensure that you lead the search for more effective use:

  • It is the legitimate position?

If an item seems too good to be true, it probably is. Find out how to find legitimate work at home job - and spend a few minutes learning about the common fraud at home, if you know what to avoid when you start your job search.

Unfortunately, fraud is not only "work from home" in the form of proposals. There are a variety of job scams out there, so ask before you. Your time applying to jobs fictitious resources

  • Do I have the right level of experience?

One of the first things to consider the employer, reviewing applications is candidate level of experience and length of time on the floor.

While it is good to send a few applications, "scope", wise about it. Maybe you're ten years have been a sales manager of the mid-level, with a strong track record, and want a place of management to try.

This is achievable.

But if you are a recent college graduate with little work experience, not worth trying for a middle level management position. A four-year financial statements do not buy a high-level output.

  • If the domain is relevant to my education or experience?

Another factor to consider is the extent to which the training and experience is a flexible adaptation to a different field. You can customize your cover letter and resume to increase your chances of finding a job outside of their immediate area. The best way is to use a directed letter.

For example, maybe you have a food writer for five years, for the restaurant industry in the region, but also to a job were want to change in public relations. In your letter, you can use the skills that mark honed through journalism - Connections maybe you have developed, or are familiar with new culinary trends, for example - and explain how could that used to another position.

But not all fields overlap so easily. Be careful when deciding what you think you are qualified for jobs, so do not waste time during your job search.

  • Just how do I qualify?

So maybe the position in accordance with their fields and their expertise, but when more information becomes available, you owe it to yourself, be very careful with them.

Many places are two important elements: First, a list of basic requirements for the position, and, secondly, a description of the worklist of the main responsibilities of the position.

Look at this part of the job list, and look where it coincides with their own abilities. Consider your resume, brainstorm about the past work that you have done, or draw their previous job descriptions, pay attention to which positions most of your experience.

In addition, employers sometimes a list of "preferred" qualifications that are not on the eligibility of a candidate is necessary, but to gain advantages in the application process.

Remember, do not focus on the hard skills, soft skills. Anyone can say they are hard work, the spirit motivates excellent communication skills team, but the employers are looking for support tangible evidence of these allegations. By comparing their own experiences in the job list, game in which they had to share myself and concrete examples of the success of certain tasks.

Once you have identified overlaps, you can write a letter to T-emphasizes its support for the company.

  • Do I have network connectivity?

If you looking for a way to cut the application, while reinforcing their progress in the search, focus on network connections. Connections are one of the best ways to increase your chances hired in a company.

Ask family, friends, community members, trusted colleagues and former colleagues all work that they know what they think would be a good option. Also joining its network of alumni of the University, or try to connect a professional organization in your area, find are ways.

You can take online work and build your LinkedIn profile to focus on employment opportunities in the online network, also.

Read more: How to apply for a job | How Online Applications | How do I apply for a job?

How to apply for a leave of absence from work

Business people in the office - Copyright View / Getty Images

Copyright View / Getty Images

At some point during the work, you may have to give permission for a variety of reasons to ask: problems of personal and family health or the birth or adoption of a child relief excessive workload, loss of a loved one, in looking for a hobby or traveling want.

What is a license?

Leave (LOA), it is a long time from work. According to the organization, it is possible that only possibly from work.

Or you may need to follow a formal process to obtain the authorization of a permit.

In addition to the leaves of the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), military leave, jury service and some other circumstances covered, your employer has to approve your application not. In addition, employers are not required to provide personal paid leave.

Before applying for a permit

Regardless of why you are applying for a permit, it is important to create the requirement for a minimum rate and to maintain its rule and allow work.Requesting get tackle properly, if it can in an atmosphere of casual work as easily as you tell your boss: "I need a break. Would it be possible to take a break of two months?" In formal places of work, leave a formal request to the political work of the company, you may need to. The company can be guidelines for the right to a license and when and how often a leave can be taken.

Before submitting an application, you should become familiar with the permission of their business policies absence.

You also need a good explanation, but comfortable, and make a decision before addressing the issue of what be your next step, if your application is rejected.

How to apply for a leave of absence

Here are some tips to apply for the license, sample letter are use to get ideas for your own correspondence.

1. Know your rights before you schedule a meeting with your employer. Search your organization's policy with respect to the license and determine if your situation is covered in the policy.

  • The Law on the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) requires employers that employees deliver free time (without pay) for family and require serious illnesses Personal care and birth, adoption or placement of a child in care, and emergency situations as a result of the active military service of a family member.
  • Employees also have the right to leave for jury service or if they are called to active duty.
  • Employers are not obligated to you, just because you want to get a license.

2. Enter your employer with as much time as possible before the start of your license. Note that it will be easier for your employer to fill the gap resulting from the loss, and make it more likely to accept your request.

3. Start the process with their immediate supervisor. You do not want your immediate supervisor, be first to new staff or other Corporate Business Listening. Also not to leave his desire to work with colleagues to realize that their first responsibility to mention. Word can quickly spread in an office and the best answer, you should talk to your direct supervisor before discussing the matter with someone.

4. Describe in writing to submit your request prior to the meeting with your supervisor, so he can digest the application prior to a discussion. You can send your request by e-mail prior to the meeting in person. Be sure to include the reasons for the request, and clarify everything, willing or able to do, to make the transition, including the training of its replacement, the drafting of a manual of procedures and fielding questions while you are away is easier. Check out these tips for sending messages and letters Courier professional before starting his own letter.

5. provide any legal requirement to its initial implementation. Let your employer feel in control and can afford to take the permission of the goodwill. If necessary, you can invoke any legal protection later using your HR department, but the law does not go in the first application.

6. agree to meet face to face with your boss at a time when he or she is under less stress if possible. If you apply for a license, if your boss is overwhelmed, he or she can give you a straight "No case "simply out of fear of how things go, if your computer can not handle the workload with all stakeholders, and even less with a terrace surrounded by side. Be careful and patient. It is important to proceed to deliver as much as possible time, but be strategic about the best time to implement your application.

7. If a partial license will achieve their goals, to favor the feasibility of reducing their hours to explore part-time. In some cases, an extract therefrom. A proposal for part-time may be more acceptable to your employer, and maintain a certain cash flow.

8. In the same vein, consider that if you have a temporary job at home, rather than a full discharge may be appropriate for your situation. Did, for example, if you need to care for a sick family take a job situation in the country could be ideal for you. Or you work from home a week for four days and come in a single day for a weekly check-in, or come to the meetings. They have a variety of alternatives in mind that you ask if your employer is willing to consider other options.

9. Enter an end date, if possible, to know in your situation, what has your boss comfort, when you will return. Its application is likely to continue much better if you can give an idea of when you will return. Even if you can not provide an exact date, it is always better to have a general time limit on how long you can expect to give away with your employer.

10. Plan your finances before making your application. Make sure you can pay your bills without the normal cash flow of their work. As a rule, you can withdraw a license application for financial reasons, but should be avoided if possible embarrassment.

11 meeting with a representative from Human Resources to explore the impact to your advantage if you take a break. If you take holiday for reasons covered by FMLA, is obliged to continue to provide health insurance your employer. However, before you stay for the same employee contribution to the premium you pay responsibility.

12. Prepare your next steps before you. If you say no employer your application, will continue its work, as is, or you have to leave your permanent role? The following steps may vary, depending on the reasons for the license, and if you apply, "want" or "need". In any case, you should have an idea in your mind how to react if their application is rejected.

Send messages shows absence

Read more: How to ask for time off from work | What if you are afraid to ask for time

DISCLAIMER: The private web sites, and the information that is linked to and from this page opinion and information. While I have made every effort to link accurate and complete information is made, I can not guarantee it is correct. Please seek legal assistance, or state, federal assistance, or state resources to make sure to make your legal interpretation and decisions are correct. This information is only as indications.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Answering Job Interview Questions ...

Two men do with companies doing business mith young job interview - Klaus Vedfelt / Tilt / Getty Images

Klaus Vedfelt / Tilt / Getty Images

In many cases, the researchers want to know what you expect from your last job, if you were hired, so be prepared to the interview question "What were your expectations for the job and to what extent they were happy?"

Responding to questions on what to expect at your last job

There are no right or wrong answer to this question. The best way to answer is to know about what he had expected when he spoke the order and give examples of how the position was working for you.

If the work was not exactly what I expected, it is worth mentioning. However, they should focus on the work itself, not the company, your boss or your employees (if they were a problem). Be careful how you react and not too much focus on the negative.

Instead, discuss the highlights of the work.

When answering, be specific. Prepare some examples to share with the interviewer in advance. For example, if your job is to create web applications was to discuss the specific programs that have been developed and the responsibility they have received. If you have received professional training and opportunities to help them achieve their development goals to be mentioned that also.

More Job Interview Questions and Answers

Interview Questions & Answers
Typical interview questions and sample answers work.

Interview Questions to Ask
Questions for candidates for employment to ask the interviewer.

12 ways you & # 039 white; not to get re a job

Thumbs Down - Author Image Source / Getty Images

Copyright: Image Source / Getty Images

One of the worst parts of the job search is not new employer audience, even after an interview. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be the exception the norm these days. So you can be happy if you hear anything during the interview process.

What say for hiring managers and what they really mean

To get the input of a hiring manager or have to wonder what your situation, often to get a clear answer.

But if you do not get lucky enough to get feedback are, here are some things that you can hear from a hiring manager if you do not want to hire you, and will say it.

12 ways to know that you do not get a job offer

In some cases this may be true, and occur a job at some point in the future. In other cases, it is likely they will not get a job, if you hear one of the following statements by a hiring manager.

1. We have to take into account several other candidates before making a decision.
You're probably out of the competition for the job. Are you saying that the company is interviewing other candidates, that there is no candidate in mind.

2. I will keep your resume on file.
There are few things that will present these days and resume probably will not be one of them.

3. The position was put on hold.
Funding was suspended.
Perhaps employers are holding back on filling the position, but is no longer suitable to be for you to rent.

4. Have another candidate whose qualifications are of an even stronger game.
While you are qualified for the position, we decided to choose another candidate.

This is a nice way of saying that you're not the right person for the job.

5. We have decided to go in another direction.
Another great way to say that you do not have the qualification of human resources director investigated.

6. decided to keep the open position, but we are not at this stage before.
It's not a smooth not, but it's unlikely that anything more to hear from the employer.

7. We are not going to fill the position at this time.
There is a possibility that it is legitimate, and may still have a chance of employment, but my breath waiting not hold. In many cases, they are advertised jobs again.

8. This work does not seem to be the best solution for you.
You may be able to select Save when the employer that you can convince a good candidate for the job, but it's a long shot.

9. The work seems too young for you.
This work is not big enough for you.
When you say the work is not the right level, the hiring manager that you are overqualified and not to stay if hired.

10. We filled the position of an internal candidate.
We have to promote someone from within.

Maybe they did, and maybe they were not, but in both cases they are not you setting.

11. We feel like it's not enough, encouraged here, and I wish you will get bored.
Even if you do not think the job would be boring, you will not have the ability to figure it out.

12. There were two candidates and their skills were a little more in line with what we want.
You do not have to do the work, but at least they were close.

If you really want to work

If this was your dream job and you do not want to give it up, there are some things you can try to change the mind of the hiring manager.

They point out that the work has already been given to someone else, and it is unlikely that you checked, too much time to invest. In most cases it is best to get over it and move on.

Read More: Top 10 reasons why you do the job | How to ask why not do the job

Friday, July 3, 2015

CV function Example Summary

again with a summary - Copyright AndreyPopov / iStockPhoto

Copyright AndreyPopov / iStockPhoto

Here you will find an example of a functional resume. A functional resume focuses on skills and experience (and not chronological work history) that make someone a good candidate for a position. These types of resumes are ideal for people who have gaps in their career or who are new to a particular sector.

You will find a functional overview of the process management station.

It contains a summary of the CV, a brief explanation of the requirements for a position.

Functional Resume Example

Karol Miner
336 W. chugalug Way, Sentinel, WY 33666
c: 444-222-4339 E:

Process Manager, communication and analytical skills. Success Story influence organizational growth and rising profits.

The information on research and analysis options

  • Research and purchased better heat exchanger that alleviated our heat loading problem. Companies saved 6.4 hours downtime per shift of eight hours and an improved product performance in the extruder.
  • Bought and renovated gearbox used as a substitute. Saved 12 days downtime and eliminated risk to build equipment again. During emergency rebuild we are now about 2 days instead of two weeks.

Managing People and Projects

  • Successful campaign in all three gears work performed extruders renewal. Pro-active rebuild of gearboxes puts downtime at two days rather than two weeks.
  • For two weeks after the annual financial statements resources reassigned so that no arrests have been found and completed all projects on time.

Extrapolate key data

  • It turned out that the issue of product quality was not to equipment processing parameters. Product design team discovered fault in their print test methods.
  • Trends in real-time data identified by AFG mill. Problems that coarse particles prevents contamination proactively identify.

Use to influence experience in the field of management decisions

  • Draft specified capital must be done proactively to avoid that our recovery plan to be used in case of failure. Save businesses approximately $ 1 million.
  • Generated in the development of new products, difficulties in the implementation possible that the extrusion process.

Effective communication throughout the organization

  • The implementation of information security in connection with executives, colleagues and subordinates.
  • FAQ explain applied to processing problems associated with the extrusion and the dosage.
  • Provided technical information to senior management and operational information to the process operators and managers on the ground.

Process Engineer / Technical Support, 20XX - Present
Zezee Corporation,

Process Engineer / Technical Support, 20XX - 20XX
Zezee Corporation,

Professional technology, 19XX - 20XX
Halogen Energy Services

MBA with a financial approach, the expected date of completion 20XX
Southern Nazarene University, Bethany, OK

  • Course: Organizational Communication, who, organizational behavior, accounting and finance environment Economic Management, Marketing Management, Human Resource Management and Administration, Management of legal, ethical and management to, strategic management, management seminar Christian - Entrepreneurship, Management Accounting

BS Chemical Engineering, 19XX
University of Missouri, Rolla, Rolla, MO

Professional Development

Xerox - Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
Xerox Corporation

ISO 9001: 2000 - Internal Audits for Organizational Success
Paradigms, Inc.

Confined space rescue
Fire Training at the University of the State of Oklahoma

Continue reading: Languages | Top 10 tips for resume writing | functional resume | What is a chronological resume? | What's a resume?